Meet the Giant Rabbit Guardians: Alfie, Amelia, and Baby Bailey’s Inseparable Bond 

Meet the Giant Rabbit Guardians: Alfie, Amelia, and Baby Bailey’s Inseparable Bond 

Meet the Giant Rabbit Guardians: Alfie, Amelia, and Baby Bailey’s Inseparable Bond 

When Jenn Eckert welcomed her daughter Bailey into the world, she never imagined that two giant rabbits, Alfie and Amelia, would become her baby’s fiercest protectors and best friends. From the moment Bailey was born in June, the two Flemish giants, who roam freely in the family’s Wisconsin home, were captivated by her. Standing tall next to her infant carrier at the hospital, their large ears towering over the newborn, they immediately bonded with their tiny new sister.


“Alfie tried to jump into the car seat, and Amelia just sniffed,” Jenn recalls. “They were both so gentle, I knew they’d be best friends.”

Alfie and Amelia’s gentle nature soon transformed into a deep protective instinct. Wherever Bailey goes, the rabbits follow. “She’s always their center of attention,” Jenn says. “They lie beside her when she’s sleeping and hover close by as if they see her as their responsibility.” The connection between the trio is undeniable. When Bailey giggles and rolls over to watch her rabbit friends, they nuzzle and let her feed them treats, their bond growing stronger with each passing day.

Despite their size each weighing around 20 pounds the rabbits’ calm, affectionate nature has made them the perfect companions for Bailey. As she grows, Alfie and Amelia will continue to be her loyal guardians, teaching her lessons in kindness, patience, and respect.

Because of their gentleness, Jenn has started training Alfie and Amelia as certified therapy rabbits through Pet Partners. The pair will soon spread their love to hospitals and nursing homes, comforting patients with the same tenderness they show to Bailey at home.

The friendship between Bailey and her giant rabbit siblings is a heartwarming reminder that animals, even those as unexpected as rabbits, can be loving protectors and companions for children. Alfie and Amelia prove that with care, love, and understanding, pets and babies can create bonds that last a lifetime. As Jenn puts it, “It’s like they have their own little language.”

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