“The Inspiring Journey of a Blind Persian Cat Who Won TikTok Hearts with Her Unstoppable Spirit”

Un félin nommé Moet a attiré l’attention sur TikTok après avoir souffert de cécité due à la négligence alors qu’il vivait dans les rues d’Oman.

Moet, an eight-year-old Persian cat, pictured, had her eyeballs removed as a kitten after living on the streets of Oman without food, water and a safe place to sleep, which led to the deterioration of her vision

En 2015, une organisation caritative locale a sauvé un chat qui a ensuite été adopté par Emily Shotter de Nottingham.

But since being welcomed into a loving home with Emily Shotter, 51, Moet has found worldwide fame, with her other videos showing her being stroked and leaving gifts for owner Emily, viewed millions of times

Moet le chat est devenu une sensation du jour au lendemain après que son propriétaire a partagé des vidéos d’elle sur TikTok.

Moet was found in a dirty cage and just a litter box to lie on when a local charity rescued her in 2015

The eight-year-old cat was adopted just weeks after, by Emily Shotter, 51, from Nottingham

La vidéo a recueilli 17 millions de vues et un nombre impressionnant de 2,9 millions de likes.

After sharing clips of Moet on TikTok, the moggy went viral thanks to her trademark squeaky meow and cute quirks like lying in her mother's fruit bowl

Une personne a exprimé son manque de stabilité émotionnelle face à la situation, tandis qu’un autre téléspectateur a admis s’être senti ému rien qu’en regardant la vidéo du chaton.

Pictured catching her prey even without sight on her side, Moet has gone on to find internet stardom

Owner Emily taking sweet videos of her kitty has managed to rack up over 636,000 followers

Emily, la propriétaire de Moet, un chat persan, est devenue célèbre sur Internet grâce à TikTok, avec plus de 636 000 abonnés.

In her most recent video, the pet is seen walking about the flat at 3am while softly wailing. With Moet routinely waking her up in the middle of the night, Emily decided to film the white furry moggy earlier this week before uploading it online with the Titanic film soundtrack

Au départ, j’avais des doutes quant à l’adoption d’un chat aveugle.

Maintenant que Moet fait partie de ma famille, avec trois autres chats sauvés, je peux affirmer avec confiance que posséder un chat aveugle n’est pas très différent de posséder un autre chat.

Owner Emily explained that when she went into the local charity to pick up some supplies, but happened to have been looking for a companion for her other cat who she had also rescued, when she met Persian kitty Moet

Une boutique en ligne appartenant à un animal de huit ans appelé Moet reverse tous ses bénéfices à Omani Paws.

Emily, 51, said it 'surprised' her how confidently Moet was walking around the room at the vets

Moet, le chat, a une personnalité charmante qui comprend une touche d’impertinence.

The owner from Nottingham said: 'I had no idea what to expect from a blind cat but thought they'd be unable to navigate their surroundings and be withdrawn and subdued. How wrong I was!'

La présence de Moet sur les réseaux sociaux revêt une grande importance pour nous.

Moet is said to get bored easily as she can't see so requires lots of playing and 'environmental enrichment' in order to keep her entertained

Moet also has an online store which donates 100% of the profits to Omani Paws who work to help rescue animals, as there is no animal welfare legislation in Oman

Il est assez difficile de fournir des soins appropriés aux animaux à Oman car il n’existe pas de loi sur le bien-être animal ni de financement gouvernemental.

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