Black-Crowned Fulvetta: Exploring the Charming Appearance and Ecological Importance of a Small Bird with a Big Impact on its Ecosystem


Black crowned fulvetta – Black crowned fulvetta, Yangly, 1/2020


Black-necked splitter is a medium-sized species in the splenic group (about 12 cm). The bird has a distinctive black crest with many milky white stripes, wide white eyebrow stripes, black ear feathers, olive brown upper body and light brown underside. Males and females are similar.


Black-crowned fulvetta is medium species in fulvetta group (about 12 cm). It has distinctive blackish crown with small whitish streaks, broad white supercilium and small black ear-coverts, olive-brown upperparts and dull rufous underparts. Male and female are similar.


Interesting information:

Black nape splitter can only be observed in the Langbian Plateau, southern Vietnam.

Interesting facts:

It has been seen only in Langbian Plateau in S Annam (S Vietnam).

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