Dragon Ball Super‘s manga was put on a sudden hiatus in March of this year, following the passing of series’ author, Akira Toriyama. With the future of the franchise uncertain, Dragon Ball Daima premiered with a side story separate from the manga’s events. Fans can finally rejoice, however, as Dragon Ball Super is finally set to return with a one-shot manga in the April 2025 issue of V-Jump.
The one-shot seems to feature Trunks and Goten in leading roles, and will presumably take place around the Super Hero section of the series’ overall timeline. Little has been revealed about the new entry, though more information will become available as the release date approaches. The return of the series’ monthly release schedule remains uncertain, but a new release of any kind is a good sign for the health of Dragon Ball Super. It is very possible that news regarding a full return will come alongside the Trunks and Goten side story.
Dragon Ball Super’s Manga Finally Returns With an All-New Side Story
Goten and Trunks Will Lead Dragon Ball Super’s Next Story
Dragon Ball Super‘s manga was put on hold in an unfortunate position, having to pause after finally finishing its adaptation of the Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero film. With unknown territory ahead and the introduction of the menacing Black Frieza looming over the series, fans’ excitement was quickly replaced with grief and sadness over Akira Toriyama’s passing. The future without the series’ creator is uncertain, though the release of even a new side story is a good sign for Dragon Ball.
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Goten and Trunks are largely underutilized characters throughout Dragon Ball Super, not only forced to the background during battle, but the two Hybrid Saiyans are practically absent for the majority of the story. A new one-shot is a good opportunity for the now teenagers to reintegrate themselves into important roles, and be useful in a meaningful capacity once more. And there’s a strong possibility that fans will finally be treated to a teenage version of Gotenks.
What Might Be Next for Dragon Ball Super?
A Return Is In Sight for Dragon Ball Super
Custom Image by Rodrigo Sandoval Lahut.
Though several months have passed without a new entry into the Dragon Ball Super manga, the series has retained its monthly spot in V-Jump magazine, suggesting that an eventual return is more likely than not. Now that an all-new entry is confirmed for April 2025, the series resuming publication might not be all too far away. Super was in the building stages of its next arc when the stoppage initially happened, though all signs seem to point toward Black Frieza in its eventual return.
Goku and Vegeta will have their work cut out for them, as Frieza’s last appearance in the story saw the evil space dictator one-shotting the series’ strongest heroes. Recruiting a newly upgraded Gohan and a work in-progress Broly, reinforcements are available, but more work will need to be done in order to match Black Frieza’s ferocious power. Dragon Ball Super will finally be returning after a long hiatus in April 2025, and fan won’t want to miss out on the franchise’s first original story since Toriyama’s passing.
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