In the early hours of Thursday, Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan, 54, faced a harrowing encounter when an armed intruder broke into his Bandra residence. The incident occurred around 2 a.m., as the family and staff were asleep. Khan, his son’s nanny, and another staff member sustained injuries during the attempted robbery.
The Intruder’s Demands and Attack
According to the First Information Report (FIR) filed at Bandra Police Station, the suspect, a slim-built man in his late 30s with a dark complexion, entered the compound through an adjacent property. CCTV footage revealed him wearing a t-shirt, jeans, and an orange scarf.
Eliyama Philip, a 56-year-old nurse employed at Khan’s home, was the first to encounter the intruder. “He demanded ₹1 crore and, when I resisted, he attacked me with a stick and blade,” she told the police. Philip sustained injuries to her wrists and hands during the attack.
The commotion woke up the nanny, Junu, who screamed for help. This alerted Khan and his wife, Kareena Kapoor Khan, who rushed to the scene. Khan attempted to intervene but was stabbed multiple times in the neck, shoulder, back, and wrist.
A staff member, Geeta, was also injured while trying to assist Khan. The intruder fled before other staff could arrive to help.
Also Read: Saif Ali Khan’s alleged attacker captured on CCTV: First image emerges of fleeing suspect
Actor Rushed to Hospital
Following the attack, Khan’s son, Ibrahim, rushed him to Lilavati Hospital in an auto-rickshaw, as their car was delayed. Doctors revealed that Khan had a two-and-a-half-inch knife fragment lodged in his spinal cord, which required surgery. “Severe injuries to the thoracic spinal cord and two deep wounds on his left hand were repaired by plastic surgery,” hospital sources confirmed. Khan’s condition is now stable.
Saif Ali Khan Attack: Security Concerns Spark Debate
The incident has raised serious concerns about security in high-profile areas like Bandra West. Questions are being asked about how the intruder managed to bypass security and enter the actor’s home undetected.
Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis condemned the attack, calling it “unfortunate” and assured a thorough investigation. However, opposition leaders criticised the government’s handling of safety in Mumbai. Shiv Sena leader Priyanka Chaturvedi remarked, “If celebrities are not safe, who in Mumbai is?” Aam Aadmi Party leader Arvind Kejriwal and Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee also voiced concerns about security in the city.
Also Read: Saif Ali Khan attack: An accused has been identified, was attempted burglary, says DCP Gedam
Saif Ali Khan Attack: Police Investigation Underway
The Bandra police have registered a case under sections of robbery, trespassing, and grievous hurt. Sub-Inspector Suraj Irakte stated that the suspect is believed to be 5’5” tall and was dressed in dark clothing and a cap during the incident.
The police are currently analysing CCTV footage and gathering evidence to identify and apprehend the attacker. “We are treating this as a case of armed robbery and assault, and efforts are on to nab the suspect,” Irakte added.
Saif Ali Khan resides with his wife, Kareena Kapoor Khan, and their children in a luxury apartment spread across four floors of a twelve-storey building in Bandra West. The neighbourhood is known for its affluent residents and high-profile security arrangements.The incident has cast a spotlight on the effectiveness of security protocols in such areas. It has also prompted discussions about the safety of prominent figures in Mumbai, a city often regarded as one of India’s safest metros.
Also Read: Saif Ali Khan ‘out of danger’ following surgery after gruesome attack by burglar